In this post I have written two Micro Fiction pieces. In the first piece I have used the line, sitting by the campfire with family from one of my tweets. For the second Micro Fiction I have used the line, “everything I could ever need is here,” also from my tweets.



Going camping with the family is always an adventure. Packing and getting food for the weekend is always fun. You have to make sure you have all your essentials for the weekend. When we get there it’s a race with other family members to see who can unpack their camper first. This weekend was a little different from the rest.  As we were all sitting by the campfire with family, we all looked up and it was a full moon. We stayed away from the weekends with full moons because of what happen next. My Aunt was the first to howl and after that everyone started. My family was now a pack of ware wolfs and no human would survive that night. Every fire was left unattended and bones were left to watch. The next morning we all woke up in our beds to sirens. The police said we were the lucky ones. They told us about the pack of werewolf’s that came in the campground and attacked everyone. The police asked how we survived and my uncle told them that we all didn’t feel good and went to bed early. They never suspected a thing. We quickly packed up and all got in our vehicles. As we drove out we saw everyone’s fires still smoldering and campsites destroyed. I then said to my father “next time there’s a full moon we should stay here again that was fun.”

“The miracle baby”

I wished this day would come for so long. The day I could move out, finally get my own house. It’s my dream house. When we finally got all moved in I sat down with my husband to relax. II then said “everything I could ever need is here.” Days passed and things were going great. Until my husband came home and he had lost his job. He told me that everything would be ok and he would go job hunting first thing in the morning. Days went by and still no job, and then I found out that I was pregnant. It was hard to be happy about a baby; we were running out of money quick. Bills were piling up and now we had no health insurance. The only thing we could think that would be the best choice is move out of our dream house and back in with my parents. It was the hardest day to sell that house but you sometimes have to give things up. The baby came and she was beautiful. I didn’t even care that we had lost our house because the best thing that could have happened was in my arms. She was the miracle baby, after that day nothing bad happened. My husband got his job back and we saved up enough money to buy a bigger better dream house. Sometimes you have to let go of something you love to get something better.